Monday, November 15, 2010

Ode to my Flip-flops

You cost me less than two dollars, yet served me so well
Through cow shit and trash piles, I never once fell.
You traveled across India, by rail and by air
Somehow all the travel caused no wear and tear. 
Remember that hike in Orissa one day?
O’er hilltop, through jungle -  you led the way. 
On so many journeys through Indian streets,
I never once worried for the safety of my feets. 
But for one short moment I let you out of my sight,
And you fell victim to a naughty dog’s bite. 
I gasped when I saw you, torn and bitten apart. 
It was as if the dog’s tooth had punctured my heart. 
You made it halfway ‘round the world, but you won’t make it back
 You withstood so much, but not that final attack. 
Oh Old Navy flip-flops, you’ve been steady and true. 
For a buck ninety-nine, that’s one hell of a shoe. 

My poor, defeated flip-flops. 

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